"Playing alongside another child is the first step toward making friends." - Chrystie Tzugaris

- State Lic #430755192
After her graduation
from Fresno State
University, Chrystie
taught in the
California Public
School System
for 10 years.
In 1980, she completed
her Association
Montessori International
(A.M.I.) teacher
training. After
teaching in the
field for 10 years,
she opened her
own Montessori
pre-school. The
first class was
fall semester,

- State Lic #430758190
After working
for several years
in the high-tech
field, Shawn joined
her mother as
an assistant teacher.
She enjoyed the
opportunity of
interacting with
the children so
much that she
decided to enter
the field full-time.
She received her
Montessori training
through American
Montessori Society
(A.M.S.) in 1991
and has been a
full time teacher
ever since.
The mother / daughter duo have enjoyed the opportunity to teach and watch youngsters graduate from preschool to public school year after year.